How Long Does It Take for a Thread Lift to Settle?

Find out how long it takes for a thread lift procedure to settle in place and how long its results last. Learn about potential side effects and risks associated with PDO thread lifts.

How Long Does It Take for a Thread Lift to Settle?

Immediate side effects from a thread lift procedure are expected to resolve within two weeks. During this time, you may experience tenderness around the sutures, which can be alleviated with paracetamol if necessary. The final results of the thread lift will be visible within a month or two, although this may vary depending on your age. After the sutures have completely dissolved, you can expect to see results for another six months on average until the body's collagen production slows down.

Maintenance treatments may be required every six to twelve months, depending on your age-reversal needs. Sleeping on your side or stomach should be avoided for about a week after the procedure, as this can cause pressure on your face. Instead, try to sleep on your back with your head resting on a pillow to minimize swelling. The results of a thread lift are temporary and usually last one to three years, compared to a facelift which can last up to a decade. The ideal candidate for a PDO thread lift is someone who is experiencing early signs of aging, such as mild wrinkles and sagging skin. Younger people tend to have results that last three to four years, while older people with poor skin volume or elasticity tend to see benefits for one to two years.

PLA and PCA thread lifts tend to last longer due to the slower dissolving sutures. The procedure itself is often called a PDO thread lift and involves inserting small spikes along the surface of the skin which act as gears to grip, lift and suspend the facial area undergoing treatment. This process will be repeated until the desired lift has been achieved, with anywhere from one to fifteen threads inserted depending on the treatment area and concern being addressed. Any extra thread will be trimmed and massaged into place. Recovery is minimal after a PDO thread lift procedure and patients can drive home alone and take care of themselves immediately after their procedure. Mild swelling and bruising is common but should resolve within one week.

Side effects such as infection, tenderness, numbness and slight asymmetry (minor irregularities) may occur in the first 24-48 hours after the procedure and may take several weeks or months to resolve. Thread lifts can be beneficial for both men and women who want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and early double chin on the face. This procedure can also reduce the appearance of sagging skin, as it gently pulls the skin tighter. Final results should appear within one to two months after treatment, during which time her skin should have relaxed a little as the threads settled in place. Some patients choose to return for a touch-up appointment or combine dermal or injectable neurotoxin fillers with their thread lift for improved results. Most people prefer thread lifting because of its short recovery time - only two days - compared to four weeks for facelift surgery.

The biggest advantage of a thread lift is its non-invasive nature and lack of visible scarring. As with any procedure you may choose to undergo, some risks and complications can arise so it's important to get informed before determining if it's right for you.

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