Are Thread Lifts Permanent? An Expert's Guide

PDO Thread Lift treatments offer long-lasting results with minimal downtime as an alternative to conventional surgery.

Are Thread Lifts Permanent? An Expert's Guide

PDO Thread Lift treatments are a popular alternative to conventional surgery, offering long-lasting results with minimal downtime. The amount of lift provided by a PDO Cog thread treatment is typically only a few centimeters and the results are not permanent. The fox eye facelift is just a thread lift under a different costume, and the risks are the same. Simply, the threads are great for skin rejuvenation around the face and neck, and the 3D gears target the lower face specifically to lift sagging skin and double chin.

Fine thread lift (FTL) is a popular technique that uses biodegradable PDO (polydioxanone) threads to combine the benefits of the permanent thread stretch technique with those of surface contour yarns to minimize the side effects of older techniques. Surgical thread lift is an alternative to conventional surgery and can give long-lasting results. The specially designed threads are unique and can be used to lift the neck, flabby double chin, cheeks and eyebrows. Dr.

Lucy is a pioneer in the technique of thread lifting and is highly regarded as an expert in this area of aesthetic medicine. We classify Thread Lifting into three areas. Surgical thread lift uses special threads, which are surgically inserted and attached to fixed structures, providing stability. We use a unique thread that has “elastic” qualities for the procedure known as “elastic facelift”. These spring threads move naturally with the face and integrate with the tissues of the skin, giving long-lasting results that improve over time.

Excess skin can be removed at the same time and the results are comparable to a surgical facelift. This procedure is suitable for those patients who are looking for an alternative to surgery, are too young for surgery or have already had surgery and have noticed that the results have begun to “relax”. It is recommended that patients take 7 to 10 days off from normal work and social commitments after the procedure. After surgery, the face may be noticeably swollen and bruising is likely. Facial movements are restrictive for several days after surgery and a headwear is worn continuously for the first 3 days. The threads used for this surgical procedure are permanent and do not dissolve.

The process of natural aging continues, which varies from patient to patient. The results are comparable to conventional surgical techniques and are expected to last 3 to 5 years. The difference with these “elastic” spring threads compared to other surgical threads is their ability to integrate with tissues, but at the same time they allow free and unrestricted movement. Almost all other surgical threads are striated and “fixed” on the skin, while the spring threads are “elastic”, allowing them to move with facial movements. They are fixed in such a way as to ensure a long-lasting lift that can be adjusted over the years without the need for additional surgery.

Lucy has developed several techniques using spring threads. These have “teeth” along their length, allowing the thread to “fix” into the skin for a lasting lift and also stimulates collagen deposition, which further strengthens the underlying tissue. The elastic facelift allows the strands to be re-tightened over the years without the need for more threads. Thread lifting is a minimally invasive surgical technique that has existed for many years. There were numerous threads on the market, but they had their limitations.

The new generation of 'Spring Threads' is the most advanced and natural on the market. They provide the flexibility and strength needed to maintain elevation while allowing the skin and surrounding tissues to move naturally, without restrictions and full muscle mobility. Usually, the most suitable candidates for this procedure are between 35 and 55 years old and have begun to experience facial flaccidity and loss of contour in the jaw area. The procedure is ideal for those patients who are ready for a facelift but do not want invasive surgery. Each procedure is unique to the individual and the “lift” can be designed based on the patient's anatomy and specific aging concerns. No, and this is another advantage of this procedure.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and, if patients feel anxious in any way, oral sedation can be given to allow it to be performed completely comfortably. We anticipate that results will be better for about three years; however, this varies from patient to patient and depends on individual aging process. In addition, it is possible to re-tighten the lift after a period of time, keeping it even longer. The results are natural above all else; its appearance is less tired and fresh. There is no compromise for facial movements and facial proportions will be subtly restored.

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks which will be explained during consultation. As it is performed under local anesthesia, general anesthesia risk is eliminated which is attractive to many patients including those who may not be able to receive general anesthesia due health reasons. Patients can expect bruising and swelling after procedure but less compared to open surgery; there are no large drains or scars after this surgery either.

Thread lifts

can be performed under local rather than general anesthesia which means thread lift patients can drive themselves home and take care of themselves immediately after their procedure. Although technique was first described in 1907, thread contouring with permanent threads has been widely available for more than 10 years; however according authors' experience surgical results are suboptimal when performing thread lift in patients over 60 years old with severe skin elasticity or advanced facial aging. Because thread lifts are low-risk with short recovery time they can be combined with other non-surgical procedures creating more complete noticeable results; however for patients who prefer less invasive techniques with shorter downtime thread lift is superior even with its limited effect & shorter maintenance period by combining this procedure with thread lift you can...

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