How Long Does a Thread Lift Last?

Thread lifts are an alternative to surgical facelifts that can improve facial shape & reduce fine lines & wrinkles for up to 18 months! Learn more.

How Long Does a Thread Lift Last?

Thread lifts are a minimally invasive alternative to a surgical facelift that can improve the shape of the face, create volume and reduce fine lines. Generally, they last between 12 and 18 months, depending on the individual patient's age, lifestyle, skin type and how quickly their body breaks down the sutures. The procedure itself delivers immediate results, and compared to other injectable cosmetic treatments, thread lifters stand out for their long-lasting results. Botulinum toxin injections and many dermal fillers generally offer results that last less than a year.

Results vary from patient to patient, but thread lifts usually last 18 months or longer. NovaThreads are sutures made of a biocompatible material called PDO, which has been specially designed for safe resorption by the body. NovaThreads stay in place for about four to six months, after which they slowly dissolve. However, patients can expect to continue to see the results of their NovaThreads lift for a year or more after their treatment.

This long-lasting effect arises from the persistent improvement in the condition of the skin that results from the infusion of collagen. While the threads stay in the body for about four to six months, the results of stretching the threads can last up to a year. Your skincare routine and overall health can affect how long your results last. PDO threads have a very long lasting effect on the skin.

The actual yarn will be around 4 to 6 months before it is absorbed by the natural hydrolysis process. As such, it pulls and tightens the skin throughout this period, after which the skin remains in place and collagen continues to be produced. In general, most patients see the results of their thread lift that last about 12 to 15 months in total. A thread lift is not permanent either.

A facelift cannot stop the aging process completely, but the results last for many years. The subtle results of a thread lift usually last about 2 years. Treatment will also initiate some long-term results, such as collagen production. These results will appear over time, so once you leave your appointment, you can rest assured that your results will continue to improve over time.

Within six to eight months, you will experience your final results. Outcomes vary from patient to patient, but most people enjoy results that last 18 months or longer. We have the answers to all the questions you've asked yourself about pdo thread lift, including how long the threads last and whether it's right for you. Dermal fillers work much like PDO thread lifts, as they stimulate the body's natural collagen production process.

Non-surgical breast lifts are considered non-invasive, meaning there are no cuts or incisions involved. Once under the skin, the thread will tighten and contour the shape of your face, essentially lifting the skin in certain areas. We use absorbable PDO (polydioxanone) threads, which have been approved by the FDA for use in lifting the skin and reducing nasolabial folds. You may hear PDO threads described with names such as “heart spikes”, tornado or “twin screw”.

Patients who undergo a thread lift in order to stimulate collagen will notice a gradual improvement in the tone and firmness of their skin. The raised facial skin looks smoother, revealing the contour of the cheekbones and other facial features. You will also be advised to avoid saunas and high intensity workouts during the first week after performing the thread lift. There is no right age to schedule a PDO thread lift; if you have started to see signs of aging on your face or body and want to address them as soon as possible, you can undergo this treatment and get ahead of the aging process.

Even though the threads under the skin do not hurt you, your body detects a suture material and stimulates production of collagen in that area.

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