The Benefits of a Thread Lift: A Non-Surgical Facelift

A thread lift is a non-surgical procedure designed to combat signs of aging in face & neck areas by lifting & tightening skin making it look younger & healthier.

The Benefits of a Thread Lift: A Non-Surgical Facelift

As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and firmness, resulting in wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. Fortunately, there is a minimally invasive alternative to facelift surgery that can help combat the signs of aging: the thread lift. A thread lift is a non-surgical procedure designed to lift and tighten the skin, making it look younger, smoother and healthier. The procedure begins with your professional identifying areas of sagging skin and marking where each thread will be placed.

The threads used are medical-grade PDO (polydioxanone) threads that are inserted securely under the skin and then tightened and pulled back, resuspending areas that are flaccid. This gives the skin a raised, strengthened and rejuvenated appearance. Thread lifts can be used to treat any part of the face, including the forehead, cheeks, double chin, eyebrows, jawline and neck. Thread lifts are ideal for patients aged 30 to 50 who experience mild to moderate signs of sagging skin.

Patients who are not suitable for surgery due to medical conditions may undergo a thread lift because the procedure involves local anesthesia rather than general anesthesia. It is also a fast, effective and painless treatment that offers immediate results. Thread lifts work by inserting medical-grade thread material into the face and then “pulling the skin up by tightening the thread”. This thread lifts and tightens the face, but it also does much more than that.

The threads and skin tightening done in this way also cause your body to produce its natural healing response and increase collagen production in the area. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, treatment will begin. PDO threads are inserted through blunt-tipped needles, called cannulas, or sharp-pointed needles. Once inserted into the appropriate layer of skin, they act as anchors as the skin is lifted upwards.

The excess threads are then cut off. A thread lift works in two ways. The doctor first places temporary stitches under the skin to pull it back or up. This gives the area a tighter appearance.

Then, yarns are textured filaments that grip the underside of the skin to hold it in a new position. These threads give your face an instantly elevated look. From the age of 25, collagen production in the skin slows down and continues to decline as we age. Collagen is the substance that gives your skin its elasticity, strength and elasticity, creating that softness and firmness that we associate with a youthful complexion. This reduction in collagen causes the skin to lose some of its elasticity, resulting in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. Fortunately, thanks to the subtle but physical “lift” provided by PDO threads, you will leave the clinic with a smoother, smoother and younger skin. Dermal fillers work much like PDO thread lifts, as they stimulate the body's natural collagen production process.

You cannot lie down for a couple of hours after Botox to ensure that the neurotoxin does not spread outside the target area, so you will need to receive your PDO thread lift first. While you will have instantly visible results from the PDO thread lift treatment, all the benefits are visible after 6 to 12 weeks when your body has had time to regenerate and produce new cells. The procedure for thread lifting may be slightly different depending on the area you are targeting and the preferences of your provider. Aftercare advice will be given so that you can get the best possible results from your thread lift treatment and leave feeling safe, comfortable and completely satisfied. Because thread lifts can be done under local anesthesia, many people who have age-related conditions that make them ineligible for surgery (such as high blood pressure, type two diabetes, and cardiovascular disease) can safely receive this treatment. Fortunately, because the threads that are placed under the skin during a thread lift are so small, patients will not feel that any of this is happening. The body reacts to PDO threads as if they were an “injury” which starts their natural healing process. It is quite rare for a thread lift to break a thread as long as you follow aftercare instructions. A specially designed fine needle is used to insert threads into the skin which minimizes patient discomfort. While some patients will experience some pain, redness and swelling after undergoing a thread lift and therefore want to take rest of day off most can return to work immediately. NovaThreads and Silhouette InstaLift threads have been approved by FDA for purpose of lifting facial tissue.

You will also be advised to avoid saunas and high intensity workouts during first week after performing thread lift.

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