Achieve Instantaneous Results with PDO Thread Lift

Are you looking for a way to achieve smoother and tighter facial appearance without having surgery? A PDO thread lift may be perfect solution for you! Learn how long does it take for this procedure to show.

Achieve Instantaneous Results with PDO Thread Lift

Are you looking for a way to achieve a smoother, tighter facial appearance without having to go through surgery? A PDO thread lift may be the perfect solution for you. This non-surgical procedure uses tiny, absorbable threads to lift and contour the face, giving you a more youthful complexion. But how long does it take for the results of this procedure to show?Survey results are instantaneous. However, the best results are achieved after 3 months, as the PDO threads also stimulate the production of collagen, which helps to tighten and lift the skin.

The final results of your PDO thread lift will be seen within a month or two of your treatment. How long it takes you personally depends a lot on your age. Age is one of the main factors in how quickly the body produces new, healthy collagen. Collagen is the protein responsible for filling the cheeks, filling fine lines and smoothing wrinkles. The good news is that PDO thread lift can deliver longer-term results, depending on your age and how your skin responds to treatment. Some of our patients enjoy the results for up to 2 years before they need to return for another treatment.

As our PDO threads are fully absorbable, there will be no problem in having refill treatments after this time. PDO threads will not stop the aging process, but will improve facial features and help tighten and tone the skin, as well as reduce certain lines and wrinkles. That means you'll notice a little initial firmness right away, and your results will be fully developed in six months. Results vary from patient to patient, but most enjoy their new look for 18 months. You can also schedule additional treatments to expand your new look. You can expect an immediate lift of the treated area, but this will always relax a little once the initial swelling has subsided.

Appearance is expected to gradually improve over a period of 2-3 months as collagen remodeling occurs. After the PDO threads are injected into the skin, they adhere and the PDO thread stretch starts working immediately. You will see a noticeable difference in your skin right away and it will look more stretched than before the treatment. It is important to understand that while no lifting technique can produce permanent results, facelift surgery will generally produce longer lasting results than a thread lift. The results of facelift surgery can last up to a decade, while a thread lift will usually last one to three years. However, because the thread lift procedure is such a low risk, patients who like the results of their thread lift can usually choose to place a new set of temporary sutures once their old sutures are absorbed by the body. After about six months, once they have done their job under the skin, the strands dissolve on their own. Some patients, particularly those who have especially thin skin, may feel the threads if they press on the surface of the treatment area.

If you belong to this group, you will be happy to know that a new type of procedure has been developed to fill the gap between non-invasive facial rejuvenation and facelift surgery - thread lift. A PDO thread lift is a non-invasive treatment to contour and elevate the face for a natural, youthful complexion. If you have any exceptional health conditions, be sure to talk to your doctor about whether a thread lift might be right for you or not. The cheeks and lower part of the face are great regions to treat because they lend themselves very well to synergistic skin tightening treatments such as Ultherapy. But the strands dissolve over time, so even if you feel them at the beginning of treatment, they will not be there for long. It is minimally invasive and only requires the use of microscopic threads injected under the skin with an ultra-thin needle. Dermal fillers work much like PDO thread lifts, as they stimulate the body's natural collagen production process. The ideal candidate for thread lift is usually between the ages of thirty and fifty, while most patients over the age of 55 will benefit most profoundly from facelift surgery.

Your plastic surgeon may recommend that you undergo additional therapies or cosmetic procedures, such as Botox or Juvederm, to increase the effects of the thread lift. Finally, because PDO threads are softer on the skin, more threads are used during treatment than a Silhouette Soft thread lift. Depending on the area you want to treat, you may receive three or four strands of carefully placed barbed. If you want a smoother, tighter facial appearance without having surgery, a non-surgical PDO thread lift may be ideal for addressing your goals.

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